Real fear for our autistic loved ones

‘I live in fear of my sons leaving the house’: Jo Abi from 9Honey’s terrifying concern and why training police to understand autism is so important

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Nine News Feature: Mum’s Mission to Train First Responders

Raising three children who are severely autistic comes with countless and ever-changing challenges. However there is one thing keeps Kathrine Peereboom awake at night – the thought of her boys existing in the world as adults. What will happen to them then? Kathrine, 43, and husband Stephen, 52, are devoted parents to Oliver, eight, Joshua,

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7News: Raising awareness and creating change

Kathrine Peereboom, autism and vulnerable persons advocate, said she believes there needs to be more focus on acceptance and what people can do in a practical way to achieve this. “Autistic people see the world through a different lens, and they engage in a different way – in many different ways,” Ms Peereboom said. “Many

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Kidspot Feature: Gut Health and Autism

It’s not uncommon for autistic people to have gastrointestinal issues, which can have effects on behaviours, moods, faecal outputs and cognitive response. “The gut and the brain are connected. If you have a healthy gut you are more likely to be in a happier disposition with clearer thoughts. If you have bad bacteria and gut health

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