Autism expert warns families to focus on mental health amidst COVID lock down

Kathrine Peereboom is one of the country’s leading autism experts and advocates and she is calling on families with loved ones with autism to focus on mental health. 

Peereboom is the mother of three severely autistic boys and founder of Spectrum Support, a national organisation dedicated to raising awareness of autism and providing education, training and support. 

“Forget everything including the washing, the only thing that matters during the next six weeks for those in Victoria with family members with special needs – is mental health,” Peereboom said. 

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Autism expert warns families to focus on mental health amidst COVID lock down

Kathrine Peereboom is one of the country’s leading autism experts and advocates and she is calling on families with loved ones with autism to focus on mental health.  Peereboom is the mother of three severely autistic boys and founder of Spectrum Support, a national organisation dedicated to raising awareness of autism and providing education, training and support. 

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