International Business Times Feature

A woman in Australia who has three sons diagnosed with autism said she was able to notice the telltale signs that pointed to her sons’ disabilities during the children’s developing years.

Katherine Peereboom’s three sons, 8-year-old Oliver, 7-year-old Joshua and 6-year-old Tyler, are “severely autistic” and nonverbal, reported.

The 43-year-old Gold Coast mother said she noticed that Oliver’s development was “backtracking” when the child was already 18 months old, according to the outlet.

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International Business Times Feature

A woman in Australia who has three sons diagnosed with autism said she was able to notice the telltale signs that pointed to her sons’ disabilities during the children’s developing years. Katherine Peereboom’s three sons, 8-year-old Oliver, 7-year-old Joshua and 6-year-old Tyler, are “severely autistic” and nonverbal, reported. The 43-year-old Gold Coast mother said she noticed that Oliver’s development was

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