Social Distancing & Home Schooling through Corona Virus

Danica De Giorgio & Kathrine Peereboom discussing the challenges of home schooling and social distancing for people on the spectrum.

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Women’s Health Feature: Aussie Mum, Training Law Enforcement

If someone asked you, “What is autism?” would you be able to give an accurate description? Most people have heard of autism or are familiar with the term “on the spectrum,” but autism spectrum disorder is often widely misunderstood – even though an estimated 164,000 Australians have it, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Survey

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Take 5 Magazine: I’ll Protect You

I won’t let ignorance hurt my boys! Determined to make the world a better place for all people on the spectrum, Stephen and I created Spectrum Support, a charity that teaches law enforcement agencies how to safely help people on the spectrum. Our training sessions have been running for two years now and I can’t

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The Sun UK – I hate seeing how cruel people are

Thank you to The Sun in the United Kingdom for publishing this article. “If people knew more about autism, they may be more inclined to make an effort and understand why someone is behaving differently. “Just when I think we have raised the bar in autism awareness and acceptance there is an incident that happens

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